Saturday, January 12, 2008

Could This Be Spam?

So here in the old inbox is a message, purportedly from "Internal Revenue Service ," withe the intriguing subject line " - Pay your dues."

My dues?!

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you did not pay all your dues and still have $35.25 residue. In order to complete the payment to the state, you can choose one of two payment methods. Either you REPLY this e-mail and automaticaly receive a special document to complete, either you enter the usual online payment site.

To access the online payment site, please click here

Internal Revenue Service

Odd, no, that the senders of this interesting mangling of English (even more interesting than the usual mangling of English one encounters in government contexts) seem to know enough about the United States revenue system that they give the false address, but then tell me I owe another 35 dollars on my dues? Never mind the typos and grammatical giveaways--"Either you REPLY this e-mail and automaticaly receive a special document to complete, either you enter the usual online payment site"--the simple fact that the spammers could not be bothered to even make a stab at the right lingo makes me think that they're not even trying. If you're going to do something, guys, do it well. Take some pride in your work, for crying out loud!

I feel insulted.

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